Aug 22, 2024, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Combat Krav Maga Tucson, 3273 N Freeway #545, Tucson, AZ 85705, USA
In partnership with Warlizard Tactical, Combat Krav Maga invites you to reality-based self-defense specifically for the firearms enthusiast. We will cover: basic strikes, kicks, movement, earning your draw, handgun retention, and handgun takeaways. We will also cover situational awareness, scenarios, legalities, proximity rules, and mind setting for survival by any means necessary.
Open to the general public, basic handgun knowledge strongly recommended. Yellow rubber training guns will be provided. If you have your own *TRAINING* gun that fits your holster feel free to bring it.
Introduction to Self-Defense for Women Recovering from Abusive Relationships:
Session 1
Trauma-trained introduction to reclaiming your power after an abusive relationship.
Sep 12, 2024, 6:15 PM – 7:30 PM
I have had many women over the years who have experienced the trauma of being in an abusive relationship- myself included. This class is for those women who are still in the recovery phase of their healing journey. This class is designed to be gentle, quiet, nurturing, slow-paced, and non-triggering. This is a safe space with a trauma-trained approach with a focus on healing, valuing yourself, regaining confidence, building each other up, cheering each other on, and encouraging each other.
There will be no loud noises, no loud music, every action will be discussed beforehand. You will be autonomous over your own body and your own boundaries.
We will work on boundary setting and why it is so important, how to say no, beginning to reclaim your power, and focusing on what you are capable of both mentally and physically.
Since this class is trauma-focused, it will be more about communication and respecting everyone's comfort level than about learning physical self-defense (that will come in the future).
We will work on reclaiming your power mentally and make sure you feel safe.
Future sessions will slowly begin to cover the physical aspects of self-defense.
Cost: FREE. If you want to donate something, proceeds will go to Emerge Center for Domestic Abuse. (No donation required!)
Tuesday May 1, 2018

Presented by Detective James Allerton (see bio below), workshop by Combat Krav Maga Tucson.
Topics covered will include:
• How to respond as a civilian to an active shooter in the workplace, school, out in public etc.
• What to do & not to do
• Mindset
• Action vs. reaction
• How to deal with a direct threat
• How to handle the wounded
• Open Q&A with Detective Allerton & Jenna Herder (owner of Combat Krav Maga, bio below)
• Interactive workshop/scenarios immediately following presentation
Cost: is $5, open to the general public, limited spaces available, first come first serve.
Questions/to sign up call/text Jenna at (520)975-4722 or email
Location: Combat Krav Maga Tucson is located at 3273 N. Freeway Tucson, AZ 85705. Located on the frontage road on the WEST side of the Freeway in between Prince & Miracle Mile, just S. of Valley Oasis Pools & Spas, The Synthetic Grass Store, and Vaquero Feed Store whom we share a fence line with. You will see an A-frame sign at the end of the driveway that says KRAV MAGA with an arrow. Please arrive 10-15 minutes early.
Attire: Wear whatever you are comfortable moving around in.
Detective James Allerton has 17 years of Law Enforcement Experience and has been with the Pima County Sheriff’s Department for 13 Years. His assignments have included 3 years on patrol, 6 years with the Border Crime Unit, 4 Year in both Narcotics and General Investigations and is currently assigned as the Public Information Officer and Lead Chaplain for the Department. He has been a Defensive Tactics Instructor since 2012 and regularly teaches at the new Deputy Academy and during Advanced Officer Trainings. He has been involved in the aftermath and investigation of several “Active Shooter” events, including the January 8th Safeway shooting incident.
Jenna Herder, owner and Instructor of Combat Krav Maga Tucson has over 13 years of training and teaching Krav Maga and is a 2nd Degree Black Belt with USKMA. She has extensive experience in hand to hand combat, weapons (use and defense), self-defense, fighting, attacker psychology, scenario/reality based self-defense, 3rd party protection, car-jacking defense, presentations/public education, women’s self-defense, preemptive actions, pre-incident indicators, de-escalation tactics, and years working with public and private individuals and businesses in proactive defensive education & training.
‘There’s a fire in me’
Tucson self-defense instructor turns abuse into her driving force
By Johanna Willett
Arizona Daily Star Nov 27, 2017
Even though Jenna Herder can kick some butt, she has a heart — and home — that glitters.
Herder, a 36-year-old Krav Maga instructor and business owner, spends her evenings teaching adults how to defend themselves against attackers. This is serious stuff. Krav Maga is a self-defense system and form of combat originally designed for the Israeli military.
After throwing some elbows and practicing some choke holds, Herder retires to her private space that she shares with five Chihuahua mixes, dangly chandeliers and fairy lights. If she has some spare time, she might fill an order for her homemade nail polish business, Lacquistry.
While the Tucson native has made a life of teaching others to protect themselves, Herder was unable to put that into practice when she found herself in an abusive relationship.
Herder started learning Krav Maga as a 24-year-old looking for a practical form of self-defense. With its emphasis on survival, not spirituality, Krav Maga gave her what she wanted.
“It’s my longest-term relationship,” she says with a laugh.
“I’ve done other stuff, and I always get bored and move on, but every day, there’s a fire in me.”
In high school, she remembers wrestling with guy friends and boyfriends and their remarks about her strength.
“But I never thought to do anything with it because I’m a girl, and girls dance,” she says.
So that’s what Herder did — ballet, belly dance, flamenco, ballroom dance. And track in high school.
“But when you discover what you’re capable of with this body that you’re given ... and to be shown that I could be strong and actually be effective at deterring someone from attacking me ... and that I have strength physically and inside, that changes everything,” she says.
A few years in, Herder started teaching. Flattered at first, she found the shift from student to instructor robbed her of this outlet she had discovered. Burnout ensued, so she took a break.
But the real fight was still to come.
Herder’s break from Krav Maga coincided with the escalation of an abusive relationship.
Her then-boyfriend disliked that she trained with other men. But, she rationalized, he was the love of her life. She stayed with him for about four years.
Herder says the abuse started with psychological and emotional manipulation and progressed physically.
Although she knew she could defend herself, she didn’t.
But she continued teaching other people to protect themselves against the violence that characterized her personal life.
“I was basically a hypocrite and living a lie, and I was very ashamed of it,” she says.
The shame and burnout forced her out of something that had become a source of both physical and mental health.
The breaking point came when her boyfriend called her mother.
“My mom is my most precious relationship,” she says. “And for him to try and destroy that, that was my final straw. That was it. I was done.”
Her mother, JoAnn Herder, knew nothing about her daughter’s living nightmare until it fell apart, but in the next six years, the mother-daughter duo would tackle Herder’s shame together.
As it turned out, the storage containers at the family’s Tucson self-storage business became the building blocks for Herder’s new life.
Not long after she ended the relationship, Herder took over managing the family business, I-10 Self Storage, 3273 N. Freeway Road. She and her mom are both owners.
Around the same time, she started making and selling nail polish on Esty — a side hustle that grew out of her love of nail polish and her boredom with in-store offerings.
She estimates that in the last six years she has made at least 100 colors. She’s partial to anything that sparkles.
Her return to Krav Maga followed, about a year after the relationship ended. That’s where she worked out the hurt and anger and feelings of weakness and insignificance.
“Getting back to my roots of Krav Maga reinforced my internal strength by showing me my physical strength,” she says.
“I had forgotten that I could be a strong person ... because I was weak and powerless and victimized. I was proving to myself that that was over and that chapter was closed.”
Temporarily running an existing Krav Maga studio with a partner set Herder up to pursue her own business when that studio closed.
With students wondering if she would move the studio elsewhere, her mom encouraged her to bring it to I-10 Self Storage.
In early 2017, Herder began converting several storage units into a 2,000-square-foot studio, removing partitions, taking out bolts and putting up drywall. She installed a climbing wall and punching bags and mats on the floor. She did almost all of the work herself.
The conversion took about six months of work on weekends and evenings.
When she opened Combat Krav Maga: Unit 545 a few months ago, her students followed.
“Even with the seriousness of what she’s teaching, she still manages to make people feel relaxed,” says Larry Cassen, 48, a student who followed Herder to her new studio. “She manages to bring the right kind of humor to make people feel welcome and make them want to come back again.”
Most nights of the week, you’ll find Herder teaching students in her studio.
On Fridays, she teaches a self-defense class for women.
“I’ve been the victim,” she says. “I haven’t always been the tough girl. You never know what someone struggles with in their private life or what they’re really going through.”
Her own experiences help her relate with her students.
“For a woman who wants to learn self-defense, her being a woman opens it up for other women who might not feel as comfortable,” says Kelly Amsler, 30. Amsler also followed Herder to the new studio and tries to make it to class three times a week.
Notes of encouragement from her mom are scattered around her house, reminding her of all that she has accomplished — she’s certified by the United States Krav Maga Association and has a second-degree black belt.
“I have seen her go from somewhat shy to a very powerful woman,” JoAnn Herder says. “She’ll just run on top of the roof to fix a leak. She’ll run and clean out a unit. She’ll take care of customers with the utmost concern. ... She can handle anything.”